Ace of Wands Tarot Card Meaning, Keyword & Reverse

Did you feel stuck? Are you bored, plagued by a total lack of inspiration, looking for that joy of living? Or are you just looking for the motivation to start something (anything!) new? Fear not, my darling, because all of that is about to change when the Ace of Wands tarot card pops up!

It’s the spark you’ve been hoping for, the all-encompassing passion that fuels the raging fire of pure potential and wildly creative energy. This is just the beginning! The Ace of Wands is your cosmic invitation from the universe to say YES and follow your passions, letting yourself be carried away wherever they may take you. JSYK: As a sign of potential, this Ace card alone does not guarantee successful results. Intense enthusiasm and excitement will only get you so far. The road is open in front of you, but you will have to put in the work to get there!

The Cosmo Tarot: The Ultimate Deck and Guide



Ace of Wand Tags

Inspiration, new ideas, breakthrough, new opportunities, growth, spark

Ace of Wands Right Sense

This is your invitation to make a BOLD move, bb! The ace of wand is the breath of fresh air that stirs something inside you, waking up a part of you that has long felt dead or maybe you didn’t even know it was there. This is your chance for a new adventure fueled by the excitement of what could be.

Stop thinking and start doing! Put your big plans and innovative ideas into action. (If not now, when??) Has your passion project been on the back burner for a while? Have you found excuses to say that your art just isn’t a “practical” career choice? The ace of wands says to hell with all that negativity! Your creative spirit wants to be nurtured and explored, so answer the call and see where the wind takes you. A new chapter is unfolding, and it’s an exciting time of possibilities, so don’t overthink it! Stop hesitating, try your luck and get started!

Along with matters of the heart, this Ace represents passionate sexual chemistry. It’s the hot one-night stand of Tinder you never need to see again or the person you’re hugely attracted to for whatever reason, but the only place you really connect is the bedroom (or hall). bar, the backseat of the Uber, or wherever you find yourself in the heat of the moment). Are you settling down and meeting each other’s parents? SURELY NOT! You don’t even meet each other’s friends! It’s about hot sex and nothing else. Sometimes that’s all you want, so enjoy it for what it is until it gets tired and exhausted.

Ace of wands reversed

With all that excitement and creativity bubbling inside you, it can sometimes be hard to know exactly what to do with it all. You know you WANT to create something, but you don’t know exactly what it is. A blank page, a bright computer screen, or a giant blank canvas have limitless potential, but it can also seem quite daunting. Don’t let a lack of direction deter you from creating your next masterpiece.

This card is a reminder that self-doubt and self-sabotage can lead to a major lack of motivation, so stop procrastinating and get started! Let it all flow and come back to edit later. Even if this effort is not an immediate success, you should not take it as a sign of giving up. It could just be bad timing, so have some patience and look elsewhere for inspiration to avoid further frustration. Everyone experiences creative lulls, but trust that you will eventually get back on track and find your way.

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