Temperance Tarot Card Meaning: Right and Reverse Reading

It’s true what everyone always says: life is short, and you have to take advantage of every moment. But what else do you know? Life is also very long! The 14th Major Arcana Tarot Card reminds us to be patient and seek a sense of balance as we ride this whirlwind called life.

This tarot card is your cosmic reminder that you can take all the time you need. We’ve been conditioned to go fast, do our best, strive higher, manifest everything … and basically do everything yesterday. Technology allows us to have access to just about anything our hearts desire instantly. Mix that up with an increasingly shorter collective attention span, and it’s like something is taking a nanosecond longer than we’d like, it’s easy to lose hope, get frustrated, to think it’s is a complete failure and to give up completely. Temperance says, “Wait a sec, babe, relax. Good things happen to those who wait. “

The Cosmo Tarot: The Ultimate Deck and Guide

Temperance Keywords

Balance, moderation, patience, avoid extremes

Standing temperance

What’s the rush, honey? Pause and breathe to calm yourself down and see clearly. Let’s save the drama and the intense desire to shake things up for another day, shall we? The best way to solve your current situation and to feel a delicious sense of harmony is to bring the two parts together. Find the ideal compromise. What can you learn from someone else’s perspective and experiences?

Remember, it’s not all so black and white, darling. Sit back and relax here in the gray area as it all unfolds. You can’t force your next move, so go with the flow and think carefully about your options. The name of this game is PATIENCE. You test the waters before making any major commitments. Sometimes the best way to get to your destination is the middle road.

Reverse temperance

Have you been doing too much lately? This is a warning about excess, my love. It’s time to embrace everything in moderation. I’m not saying you can’t have fun. I’m just saying go a little easier with the indulgences. It’s time to kick out all the unhealthy and unsettling habits. Reign over unnecessary shopping sprees, extra late-night cocktail tours (there’s a difference between three glasses of wine and three bottles), extravagant dinners (your wallet hurts), as well as endless scrolling over your phone (Come on baby … we all know nobody is actually as happy as they describe themselves on their Instagram page!).

And yes, all this indulgence can be good in the moment, but this moment is fleeting! Say no to hangovers, sugar rushes, and temporary dopamine spikes. It’s an opportunity for a physical reset, a mental health break and a digital detox. Focus on people and situations that replenish your energy rather than draining it.

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