Weekly tarot card reading horoscope, September 27, 2021

You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your sun sign! Here’s what I do: shuffle my tarot deck and take out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus a general card for everyone so you can get specific advice on your personality. Let’s go!


Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Take a break. Change gears. Less is more. The Ten of Wands is waving a little red flag that we’re all in danger of rushing headlong into exhaustion if we’re not careful. Focus on your main priorities and ignore the rest. It’s easy to get lost in all the tasks, chores, and activities, forgetting exactly why we’re doing them in the first place. Conserve and focus your energy. Make a change this week.


the Seven of Wands, showing a person dressed in a green tunic and yellow leggings, holding a stick as if ready to fight six more sticks are raised in front of them

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Competition is your fuel, Aries. Because you are ruled by Mars, the rivalry raises your game. So the Seven of Wands is good news for you this week. Others want what you have, and they are preparing to compete with you for it. Stand firm, Aries. You deserve every ounce of your current rewards.


the tarot card The Hierophant, showing a person in a red robe and a golden crown seated on a throne, with two people kneeling in front of them

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Find a cause or campaign you believe in, Taurus, and go contribute something. You must be part of something bigger than yourself. This week, get involved in a cause that you think will make a positive difference in your part of the world. The Hierophant represents spiritual belonging, brotherhood or teamwork for a greater good. Doing good will really do you good.


fictional character, illustration, metal, art, games,

Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite Bridge

Cancel your party plans, Gem, and get to work. The Hermit asks you to take yourself and your to-do list seriously, because a period of effort and concentration is necessary. It is all worth it and you will soon see the results. Make your life easier by refusing social obligations, removing distractions, creating a plan of attack…and then taking action. No excuses.


the tarot card the ace of wands, showing a white hand emerging from a cloud, holding a giant wooden wand

Getty/Plateau Rider-Waite/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Start a new hobby, book, lifestyle habit, travel plan, or creative project this week, Cancer, because the Ace of Wands is a positive omen of new beginnings. Start things off on the right foot by using this week’s ~clean slate~ energy. This can range from taking a new exercise class to creating your own podcast to redecorating your home. Either way, start this week and you’ll go further, faster than you currently think. The universe wants to see you succeed!


tarot card temperance, showing an angel in a white robe pouring water from one cup into another

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

The ground under your feet shifts, forcing you to adjust your stance and find a new stable and solid position. Life often does this to us, and the best thing to do is to adapt. Temperance shows that you’re looking for a ~new normal~ due to changing circumstances, and while it’s been a little hectic, you’re feeling more grounded and secure this week. It’s been a trying time, but you’ve done so well. Reward yourself with a good treat, Leo.


The King of Wands tarot card, showing a man in a robe, cape and crown seated on a throne, holding a wooden staff

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

The King of Wands is a bold adventurer, and he’s bringing his travel energy to you this week. I guess that means you’re going to be on the move one way or another. Book a trip, apply for a new job, or invest in some kind of ambition. Do something this week and your risky decision will be rewarded. Now is not the time to play it safe. Go big or go home.


the four wands tarot card, showing two people in robes holding branches or flowers in front of a castle four wooden sticks stand in front of them, holding a garland of greenery

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Working hard brings you great rewards in the long run, and you have realized this truth. You are only wrong when you do things halfway. The Four of Wands tells you to celebrate this week, for you have worked hard and done well. Then focus on your next goal. Keep it up, and who knows where it might take you!


the tarot card for the five pieces, showing two people walking through a snowstorm in the background, a stained glass window shows five pieces in the shape of a pentacle insdie eadh

Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite Bridge

An emotional echo from your past resurfaces this week, and its intensity surprises you because you thought you were already past it. The Five of Coins reveals that it’s okay to take a moment to be sad about what happened. We are all emotional beings. However, the good news is that this feeling won’t stay with you for long, because you are truly over it. Pause to think. Maybe learn a life lesson from it. And then move on.


the tarot card the moon, showing a scorpion and two dogwolffox type animals gazing at a moon

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Detective Sagittarius, we need you this week! The Moon shows that there is a mystery in your life that requires your attention. Break the deal! Don’t do anything too bold just yet, because you just don’t have all the information you need. This week is all about research and questions. A major reveal or preview could be a game-changer.


the king of coins or pentacles tarot card, showing a king in a crown and patterned robes seated on a throne and holding a scepter and a giant coin with a pentacle on it

Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite Bridge

The King of Coins represents you in your best light: ambitious, safe, efficient, pragmatic and strong. You really can handle whatever life throws your way and turn lemons into lemonade (for a nice profit, too). Revel in your strength, Cap, and consider where you can make even more progress in your career, finances, health, and home. Use that momentum to really reach for the stars. You can achieve whatever you are working for right now.


the Seven of Cups tarot card, showing the silhouette of a person looking down at seven golden cups supported by clouds the cups are filled with different objects including a small person under a sheet, a snake and a pile of jewels

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Did you know that you are the natural inventor of the zodiac? It’s true. You are ruled by the planet Uranus, which makes you naturally creative. You enjoy solving puzzles and finding new solutions to age-old problems. The Seven of Cups puts you in an innovative mood this week, so turn your gaze to the things that need fixing. You are bound to come up with a smart plan and you will enjoy the whole process. Find your eureka moment.


the Eight of Wands tarot card, showing eight wooden rods in the air

Rider-Waite Bridge/Raydene Salinas Hansen

The Eight of Wands puts you in the hot seat this week, Pisces, but in a good way. Communication is the theme of this week. You will find yourself inundated with news, information, gossip, invitations and opportunities. You need to stay tuned and react quickly. Be ready to say “yes” to everything.

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